Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A West Stockton Urgent Care Center Will Attend to Viral Infections

Those who have caught the West Nile virus need immediate medical attention the instant they start manifesting symptoms, which resemble those of the flu. Unfortunately, since one can contract the disease without showing any obvious signs at its first few stages, patients might want to have themselves checked by a doctor should they get bitten by mosquitoes. Fortunately, a West Stockton urgent care center can help patients deal with this kind of lethal contagion.

The West Nile virus can lay dormant within the infected person for 2 to 15 days. Afterwards, it starts manifesting distinct symptoms typical of neuroinvasive diseases, including headaches, fever, meningitis, and so on. There is yet to be a cure for the virus, so patients will have to receive at least immediate supportive care to stand a chance of surviving. Failure to quickly respond to the disease’s effects could be fatal for patients.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Pertussis Vaccinations Available in West Stockton Urgent Care Centers

Infants are especially vulnerable to whooping cough. Unfortunately, most of them are too young to receive the DTaP vaccine. That said, it is important that all those living in one home be vaccinated against pertussis to avoid passing the disease to any infants or children.

Many reputable walk-in clinics in West Stockton, CA, like the one run by U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group, offer the DTaP vaccine. Health experts advise those who have received the vaccine as a child to also get a booster shot to update their immune systems. Pregnant women are also advised to receive the vaccine 27 to 36 weeks into their pregnancy.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

West Stockton Urgent Care Centers May Become More Affordable

Urgent care facilities, such as those managed by U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group, perform vital services for businesses that aim to keep their employees in good health. In addition, uninsured individuals often turn to urgent care centers for affordable, high-quality healthcare for certain conditions that are not critical or life-threatening.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that urgent care facilities still cannot take the place of primary care providers when it comes to advanced medical treatments and procedures. While a reputable West Stockton walk in clinic can treat cuts, open wounds, and insect bites with relative ease, surgery and extensive physical therapy nonetheless remain the domain of larger healthcare facilities such as hospitals.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

West Stockton Urgent Care: Detailing the Presence of a Ganglion

Surgery for the removal of ganglion is typically an out-patient procedure and may be performed under local or general anesthesia. Once the treatment area is numb, the surgeon will cut the cyst open with a scalpel. He will then remove the cyst along with the stalk that attaches it to a tendon or joint. Once the cyst is removed, he will suture the opening to allow the skin to heal.

Recovery time for ganglion surgery depends on the size of the cyst, the extent of the surgery, and the patient’s overall health. The surgeon will inform the patient what to expect. Some patients are required to attend physical therapy from established walk-in clinics in West Stockton, CA such as U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group centers to strengthen and facilitate movement of the affected area.

Monday, May 5, 2014

West Stockton Urgent Care Centers Treat Three Common Winter Illnesses

The flu is a contagious disease that is caused by the influenza virus. It infects millions of Americans each year. Symptoms of the flu include a high fever, a sore throat, aching joints, and dry cough. The flu is a dangerous disease when left unattended, as it can cause complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and sinus infections. Fortunately, people can avoid the flu by getting vaccinated at a reputable West Stockton walk-in clinic.

These illnesses are not usually life-threatening as long as they are diagnosed and treated immediately. If you or a loved one is exhibiting any of the symptoms mentioned above, or has been sick for several days, be sure to visit a West Stockton urgent care center, such as U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group, to have your symptoms evaluated and receive any necessary medication.